James Friend
James Friend
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James Friend (Fellow, IEEE) is currently a Professor with Center for Medical Devices and Instrumentation, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, where he leads the Medically Advanced Devices Laboratory. He currently supervises a team of seven Ph.D. students and three post-doctors. Over the years, he has over 260 peer-reviewed research publications and 29 patents in process or granted. He has completed 33 postgraduate students and supervised 20 post-doctoral staff. He has received over $25 million in competitive grant-based research funding. His research interests are principally in exploring and exploiting acoustic phenomena at small scales, mainly for biomedical applications.,Dr. Friend received the IEEE Carl Hellmuth Hertz Ultrasonics Award from the IEEE in 2015. His H-factor is 45.(Based on document published on 11 May 2020)