Neus Domingo
Neus Domingo
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Dr. Neus Domingo is a Senior Scientist at the Center for Nanophase Materials Science (CNMS), a US Department of Energy, Office of Science User Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the USA. She is leading the Functional AFM Group since 2022, focusing on the development of advanced AFM tools to give service for users as part of the User Program, and developing her own research on the surface electrochemistry of polar materials. Previously, she hold a Distinguished Researcher position from CSIC at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2, Bellaterra, Spain) where she was the head of the Advanced AFM Lab and also Associate Professor of the Condensed Matter Physics Department of the University of Barcelona. She is passionate about scanning probe microscopy of functional materials and has specialized in electromechanical phenomena in ferroics at the nanoscale, and the physical chemistry of ferroelectric surfaces, and she is deeply interested in the applications of these materials for energy harvesting into chemical reactions. She has co-authored a number of papers in peer-reviewed international journals (including Nature Materials or Chemical Society Reviews) and 4 book chapters. She co-chaired different conferences, including the FyT2016 in Girona, and the ISFD2018 in Barcelona (Spain) as well as symposia within the MRS Fall meeting 2020. She is the Educational and Tutorials Chair of the Ferroelectrics Committee of the IEEE UFFC Society, stands in the international scientific advisory committees of PFM Workshop and “Fuerzas y Túnel”, a fellow of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics and member of the American Physics Society, and served as Member of the Spanish ANEP and the European ECAS Reviewer Boards. She also serves as a Senior Editorial Board Member of the Microstructures Journal.