
Antoine Ruyter

CRISMAT, University of Caen
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

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Assistant professor at the University of Tours (France).Teaching carried out in Tours since 1995. Research carried out in the GREMAN UMR CNRS laboratory (from 1995 to 2019) then in the CRISMAT UMR CNRS ENSICAEN laboratory (Caen France - since 2019). Topics : Static and dynamic properties of vortices in the presence or not of amorphous columnar defects, physics of elastic objects in a random potential (vortex, domain walls, etc.), electrical and magnetic properties of oxide compounds, synthesis of ceramics, single crystals and thin films of oxide compounds, scanning probe microscopy (AFM / STM) under UHV and variable temperature. Participation to 11 thesis. Scientific reporter of 3 thesis. General chairman of the UFFC IEEE ISAF PFM ECAPD Tours 2022 conference.

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