United States of America
Maryam Basij
Maryam Basij
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Maryam Basij received her Ph.D degree in biomedical engineering from Wayne state University, MI, USA. She is currently a senior acoustic engineer in Acoustiic Inc , Seattle, WI , USA , focusing on the development of combined medical imaging technologies for advanced screening, diagnostics, and therapeutics.
IEEE UFFC Position History:
- 2023-Present Industrial Engagement Committee Chair (AdHoc Committee Chairs)
- 2023-Present Industrial Engagement Committee Chair (Industrial Engagement Committee)
- 2023-Present Industrial Engagement Committee Chair (Administrative Committee)
- 2023-Present Industrial Engagement Committee Chair (Ad Hoc Committees)
- 2021-2022 Ultrasonics Student Representatives (AdCom Student Advisor and Representatives)
- 2021-2022 Ultrasonics Student Representatives (Administrative Committee)