John Vig headshot
United States of America

John Vig

Personal Gender Pronouns
IEEE Region
Region 02 (Eastern U.S.)
Technical Area
Frequency Control

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John Vig was born in Budapest, Hungary. He holds a Ph.D. in physics and his area of R&D has been frequency control; specifically, high-accuracy and low-noise oscillators, and sensors. He has served IEEE as: IEEE President and CEO, Founding President of the Sensors Council; Division Director; Vice President of Technical Activities; journal editor; conference chair; and standards coordinating committee chair. He has served UFFC-S as president and VP, Publications, and he has been elected AdCom Member Emeritus. He holds 54 patents, has >100 papers, nine book chapters and more than 5,000 citations. He is an IEEE Life Fellow, and is the recipient of the UFFC-S Cady Award and Sawyer Award. He and his wife are avid ballroom dancers.

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