Jan Brown headshot

Jan Brown

Personal Gender Pronouns
Jan Brown Consulting
IEEE Region
Region 01 (Northeastern U.S.)

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As founder of JB Consulting in 1992, Jan consulted throughout the United States, Canada, and Japan on business considerations for technology transfer, development, management and commercialization, and issues concerning women in science and engineering. Prior to consulting, Jan spent 14 years as a research physicist and manager of science and engineering development in industrial laboratories focused on materials research and sensors development, managed strategic relationships and innovated technology management approaches. Prior to full retirement, Jan spent 10 years working with special needs children in a local elementary school. She has been an active member of UFFC since 1978.

IEEE UFFC Position History:
  • Present   Diversity & Inclusion Member (Diversity and Inclusion Committee)
  • 2021-Present   AdCom Emeritus (AdCom Emeriti)
  • 2021-Present   History Committee Chair (History Committee)
  • 2021-Present   WIE Emeriti (Women in Engineering Committee)
  • 2021-Present   History Committee Chair (Administrative Committee)
  • 2021-Present   AdCom Emeritus (Administrative Committee)
  • 2021-2021   Awards Chair (Awards Committee)
  • 2021-2021   Awards Chair (Administrative Committee)
  • Recognitions:
  • 2002 Distinguished Service Award
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