IUS TPC Application
In completing this form, you are entering your application into an open call against several available positions across all groups of our TPC (Groups 1-5).
All applicants who meet our criteria will be deemed appointable and will enter our selection process.
We will employ a matching algorithm to match your application, preferences, and technical experience against our open positions.
In addition, we employ a weighting to aid the prioritization of applications that help us to ensure diversity so that we can best represent our technical community.
For your information, our current diversity goals are:
M/F – 70/30
Academic/Industry & Govt – 70/30
Geographic location: USA / EU / Asia / Other – 30/30/30/10
If your application is successful, you will be offered a place on a TPC and you can choose to accept that offer, decline, or re-apply at a future date.
Appointments to each TPC run for 3 years in the first instance, with an automatic renewal for a further 3 years (unless you advise otherwise).
Terms may be extended to allow the completion of activities, such as Track Lead.
On retiring from the TPC you will be asked to wait a minimum of 3 years before re-applying.
Re-applications are warmly welcomed!