IUS TPC Application

In completing this form, you are entering your application into an open call against several available positions across all groups of our TPC (Groups 1-5).

All applicants who meet our criteria will be deemed appointable and will enter our selection process.

We will employ a matching algorithm to match your application, preferences, and technical experience against our open positions.

In addition, we employ a weighting to aid the prioritization of applications that help us to ensure diversity so that we can best represent our technical community.

For your information, our current diversity goals are: 

M/F – 70/30

Academic/Industry & Govt – 70/30

Geographic location: USA / EU / Asia / Other – 30/30/30/10

If your application is successful, you will be offered a place on a TPC and you can choose to accept that offer, decline, or re-apply at a future date.

Appointments to each TPC run for 3 years in the first instance, with an automatic renewal for a further 3 years (unless you advise otherwise).

Terms may be extended to allow the completion of activities, such as Track Lead.

On retiring from the TPC you will be asked to wait a minimum of 3 years before re-applying.

Re-applications are warmly welcomed!


Employer Type
Highest degree earned?
Number of years’ experience post PhD award (or equivalent experience)?

One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

Terms of Application:

By applying to join a Technical Programme Committee you confirm that,

You are willing and available to participate in activities relating to symposium technical programme preparation

You will participate in abstract review, typically occurring April/May of each year, and complete review within the stated deadlines

You will act as an advocate of the conference and its promotion, including soliciting of proposals for invited speakers and future TPC members

You will participate in other technical programme preparation activities including responding to requests for information, participation in the selection of invited speakers or other TPC roles as they occur, e.g. invitations to serve as Track Lead, chair sessions at the conference.

You will attend TPC meetings, which typically take place annually at the conference

You aim to attend the conference online or in person