Networking and Mentorship Workshop 4 (Session 2): Building Resilience: Evidence-Based Practices for Mentors and Mentees

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Session Title:
Building Resilience: Evidence-Based Practices for Mentors and Mentees
26 March 2022
10:00-11:00 AM EDT (UTC -4:00)

Dr. Diana Brecher

​Tapping into our inner strengths and bouncing back occurs when we are fully present and mindful; noticing the good things in life; giving ourselves credit for the good things that do happen, with hope and zest for the future; forgiving ourselves for things that have gone wrong, and tapping our already proven strengths to use them in service of the challenge before us.

This is an invitation to learn how mindfulness, gratitude, optimism, self-compassion, and perseverance are pieces of a puzzle that converge into resilience.

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Diana Brecher is a clinical psychologist who started working at Ryerson University in 1991. She spent the first 25 years working as a therapist, and later director of the Counselling Centre. In 2016 she was appointed the Scholar-in-Residence, Positive Psychology to the ThriveRU program. She is co-creator of the Thriving in Action resource, and an instructor in the Psychology Dept. Her role is to infuse the classroom, co-curricular programming, and services with principles and practices of flourishing.

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