FerroSchool Winter 2022

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FerroSchool is an educational event supported by IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S).
Held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, it aims at bringing together students, postdocs, and scientists at any career stage interested in ferroelectric materials. A general overview of the fundamentals and applications of such materials will be given through lectures, practicals, and demonstrations provided by academics internationally-recognized in the field and by companies known to the ferroelectric community. Scientific exchange and networking opportunities will be offered through a range of social activities including poster presentations facilitating participants to communicate on their own work with experts in the field.
Applications Due: September 21, 2022
To apply – please send a CV, a ½-page statement with motivation for attending the workshop, and a poster abstract to (Click to show email)
Notification for admittance to the workshop will be no later than October 1, 2022