2024 IEEE UFFC Latin America Ultrasonics Symposium

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As in its first edition, the second IEEE Latin America Ultrasonics Symposium (LAUS 2024) aims to reinforce existing networks and promote emerging opportunities to the ultrasonics and acoustics community in Latin America (LATAM) in connection with the rest of the world.
LAUS 2024 warmly welcomes researchers from across the globe, providing a genuine opportunity to showcase their work, establish scientific connections, and gain insight into the research conducted in LATAM, as well as its regional and international collaborations. This conference will offer a hybrid option, allowing remote access for participants who cannot attend in person.
Abstracts should be submitted according to the guidelines available on the conference website. Each abstract will receive careful review and evaluation by the symposium Technical Program Committee. Accepted abstracts describing novel research will be eligible to submit a full paper to be published in IEEE Xplore