
2022 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum & The IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium

Geographic Location
Hybrid - Paris, France
Photo of Eiffel Tower, Paris, FR

Event Menu


Welcome to the 2022 EFTF - IFCS Joint Symposium. After three years of virtual EFTF - IFCS Joint Symposia, we are pleased to announce that the 2022 EFTF - IFCS Joint Symposium will be held 24-28 April 2022 at the "Cité des Sciences" science museum in Paris, France with a hybrid option providing online access for those attending virtually.

The symposium will offer overviews on topics including: 

Group 1: Materials, Resonators, & Resonator Circuits
Group 2: Oscillators, Synthesizers, Noise & Circuit Techniques
Group 3: Microwave Frequency Standards & Applications
Group 4: Sensors & Transducers
Group 5: Timekeeping, T&F Transfer, Telecom, GNSS & Applications
Group 6: Optical Frequency Standards & Applications

Symposium Program

  • Invited and contributed presentations, in three parallel sessions
  • Two plenary sessions
  • Tutorials in time and frequency metrology
  • Two poster sessions in a 1000 m² hall
  • Exhibition by industrial sponsors around the conference rooms
  • EFTF and IFCS awards, Student Paper Competition
  • Gala dinner at the "Cité des sciences" museum

Awards Nominations

The EFTF Executive Committee has established the following rules for nominations:

  • Self-nomination is permitted for each of the EFTF Awards.
  • There is no limit to the number of successive annual nominations an individual may receive.
  • Previous EFTF Awardees may be nominated for one of the other awards in succeeding years.
  • Double nomination, that is an individual nominating two different people for the same award in the same EFTF Awards Call year, is not permitted.
  • An individual can only be considered for one of the EFTF Awards in any EFTF Awards Call year.
  • If an individual self-nominates for one award, they may nonetheless nominate another individual for a different award. However, they cannot nominate an individual for the same award that they have self-nominated.

Nominations must be received by 25 February 2022 to be considered for the 2022 EFTF awards selection.

Click Here for EFTF Awards Nomination Information

This year the Frequency Control Standing Committee has established the following rules for nominations:

  • Self-nomination is permitted for each of the IFCS Awards.
  • There is no limit to the number of successive annual nominations an individual may receive.
  • Previous IFCS Awardees may be nominated for one of the other awards in succeeding years.
  • The nomination of a group whose work is highly related to the citation given in the nomination is permitted for each of the IFCS Awards.
  • Double nomination, that is an individual nominating two different people for the same award in the same IFCS Awards Call year, is not permitted.
  • An individual can only be considered for one of the IFCS Awards in any IFCS Awards Call year.
  • If an individual self-nominates for one award, they may nonetheless nominate another individual for a different award. However, they cannot nominate an individual for the same award that they have self-nominated.

Nominations must be received by 25 February 2022 to be considered for the 2022 IFCS awards selection. 

Click Here for IFCS Awards Nomination Information

Important Dates:
Early Registration Ends - 15 March 2022
Awards Nominations Deadline - 25 February 2022

Click Here to Register

General Chair(s)
Program/Technical Chair(s)
Call Document(s)