Serge Dos Santos

Serge Dos Santos

Personal Gender Pronouns
INSA Centre Val de Loire
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Technical Area
Ultrasonics, Frequency Control
Spoken Languages




Portuguese, International

Contact Menu

Currently, Serge Dos Santos is Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Systems of the INSA Centre Val de Loire (INSA-CVL), Blois, France. His bibliography contains 249 references with 126 co-authors, including 1 book, 3 book chapters, 21 reviewed contributions, 175 international conferences (30 invited) and 50 seminars or lectures. For his outstanding contribution to the growth and dissemination of Non Destructive Testing knowledge to the worldwide community, he was awarded by Academia NDT International as a Full Member (ECNDT 2010, Moscow), responsible of the Signal Processing Chapter, Member of the Council since 2014 and Vice-President since 2021. As IEEE Senior Member since 2016, he is also active in the IEEE France Section as member of the EMB Chapter and Action for Industry (AfI) within the IEEE R8 Region. Since May 2020, he contributes to the NDE4.0 Global Ambassadors Panel. In 2024, he created as a petitioner and became the first chair of the IEEE UFFC France Chapter.

IEEE UFFC Position History:
  • Past   Chapter Chair (France Section Chapter)
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