Peter Krempl

Life Span

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Peter Krempl – Award Winning Researcher 1943 – 2006 Dr. Peter Krempl, recipient of the C.B. Sawyer award in 2003, and of the European Frequency and Time Award in 2005, passed away on November 2, 2006 at the age of 63. In addition to his other substantial achievements, Peter pioneered the research on the physical and electro-acoustical properties of Gallium Orthophosphate (GaPO4) crystals, and the development of industrial growth processes for large crystals including the epitaxial growth of GaPO4 on quartz. Peter has explored new applications for GaPO4 for frequency control and piezo-sensor applications. Peter received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Vienna, Austria, in 1975; was a fellow at CERN, Geneva (1973-1976); and was head of Physics Research at AVL List, Graz, Austria, since 1976. He received the venia docenti at the University of Graz in 1995. Peter has published more than 100 scientific papers and is holder of numerous patents. The frequency control community mourns the loss of an excellent scientist in our field.

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