Omar Elmazria
Omar Elmazria
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Omar Elmazria (M’2003- SM’17) is a Full Professor at Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France within Institut Jean Lamour (IJL UMR CNRS 7198) for research and Polytech Nancy for teaching. He is an emeritus member of the IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) and was a guest Professor at several Universities around the world (SFU, Canada; IoA, Chinees Academy of Sciences; UCF, USA).
O. Elmazria is the head of Micro and Nano-systems group within the IJL and his current research focuses on SAW devices for communication systems and sensing applications. He is the author and co-author of 5 patents and more than 200 technical papers in the refereed international journal including 83 published by IEEE UFFC Society. He has been continually active for more than a decade within the UFFC society, as a reviewer with the UFFC journal, member, and co-chair of Technical Program Committee of IEEE IUS, group 4 (Microacoustics – SAW, FBAR & MEMS). He is also a member of several other international conferences IEEE MTT-26-RFID-Wireless-Sensor-and-IoT, IEEE ICEMI (Co-chair from 2005), SAW Symposium, and IFSA. He is co-founder of the IEEE Sensors France Chapter in 2018 and a member of the board of the IEEE Sensors France Chapter. In 2017, he was a recipient of the URSI-France medal from the International Union of Radio Science.
- 2022-Present Council on RFID Representative (Liaisons & Representatives)
- 2022-Present Council on RFID Representative (Administrative Committee)
- 2022-2024 Elected AdCom Members - Regions 8-10 (Elected AdCom)
- 2022-2024 Elected AdCom Members - Regions 8-10 (Administrative Committee)