Eno Hysi
Eno Hysi
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Dr. Eno Hysi received his Ph.D. from the Department of Physics at Ryerson University in 2020 and is currently a Banting and KRESCENT Fellow at St. Michael’s Hospital, Division of Nephrology in Toronto. A Vanier Scholar throughout his Ph.D., he studied photoacoustic (PA) imaging in the context of cancer treatment monitoring. During his Ph.D., he developed PA biomarkers of tumor vascularity for identifying cancer treatment response as early as a few hours post-treatment. His research to date has produced 22 publications, 34 papers in conference proceedings, and over 100 presentations. Throughout his studies, he was the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships including the Ryerson Gold Medal and the Ontario/Alexander Graham Bell/Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, and most recently, two prestigious fellowships, Banting and KRESCENT. Dr. Hysi's broad research interests lie in ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging for biomedical applications include cancer treatment monitoring, the study of blood hemodynamics as well as assessing transplant organ quality. A first-in-the-world clinical trial is currently underway at St. Michael’s Hospital using PA imaging in kidney donations.