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Brooke Richtik is a Ph.D. student in the group of Dr. Michelle Dolgos at the University of Calgary in Canada. Before joining the Dolgos research group, she completed a Master of Science at the University of Manitoba and a Bachelor of Science at the University of Winnipeg. Brooke’s current research interests lay in the understanding of structure-property-processing relationships of novel high Curie temperature ferroelectric ceramics. She is interested in how structure influences electromechanical properties, and her work includes in-situ x-ray diffraction, total scattering, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments.
- 2025-Present Deputy Vice President Community, Connection, & Diversity (Administrative Committee)
- 2023-2023 Ferroelectrics Student Representatives (AdCom Student Advisor and Representatives)
- 2023-2023 Ferroelectrics Student Representatives (Ferroelectrics Standing Committee)
- 2023-2023 Ferroelectrics Student Representatives (Administrative Committee)