Arun Thittai
Arun Thittai
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Dr. Thittai completed BE in India, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Houston, USA. Ultrasound Elastography was his PhD topic. During PostDoc in MD Anderson Cancer Center, the focus was on pre-clinical ultrasound imaging . He was as an Assistant Professor on tenure-track for ~4.5 years with The University of Texas Medical School -Houston, before relocating to join IIT Madras, India. He is currently a professor here. Recently, he has been volunteering for UFFC-S activities, wanting to share inputs based on the rich experience gained from working on both sides of the world. He is representing UFFC-s on TMI steering committee, serving as deputy to EiC, UFFC-S newsletter, and also the local-organizing co-chair of IEEE- ISBI 2022, India.