Aparna Harindranath
Aparna Harindranath
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I am a Ph.D. scholar (recipient of Senior research Fellowship from University Grants Commission, India) at Centre for product design and manufacturing department, in Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India (2016-Present). I completed my bachelors in Electronics and communication engineering (2011), and masters in VLSI and embedded systems (2013) from CUSAT University, Kochi, Kerala, India and has teaching experience of one and half years (Asst. Professor(adhoc)) in Govt. Engineering College, Wayanad, and one year in Calicut university Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kerala, India. I am a student member of IEEE and SPIE technical communities. My major research interests are in MEMS-IMU based activity detections and pose tracking for various biomedical applications, Freehand ultrasound imaging and Image processing for diagnostic applications, Affordable Ultrasound technology for clinical applications, Embedded System Design, Signal Processing, and Electronic Circuit Design and Implementation.