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Oral History: Yury Gulyaev (2017)


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Interview #784 for the IEEE History Center, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


Yury Gulyaev was born on 18 September 1935 in Tomilino, a suburb of Moscow near the satellite town of Lyubertsy. He graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MIPT (1958), and was awarded Ph.D. (1962) and D.Sci. (1970) Degrees. He is a Professor and Head Chair of Solid State Electronics, Radiophysics and Applied Information Technologies (since 1971), Corresponding Member of Acad. Sci. USSR since 1979, Full Member (Academician) of Ac. Sci. USSR and Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) since 1984, now in the Division of Nanotechnologies and Information technologies of RAS. Starting in 1960 he worked at the Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics (IRE) Ac. Sci. USSR (later RAS) as a Researcher, Senior Researcher and Head of the Department. He served as Deputy Director since 1972, Director of IRE RAS since 1988, and Scientific Supervisor of IRE RAS since 2004. Gulyaev is the author of more than 500 scientific papers and 11 monographs, and has more than 60 patents. For his scientific work, he was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1974 and 1984 and the State Prize of Russia in 1993 and 2006 for his works on Surface Acoustic Waves Devices. In 1995, he was awarded the A.S. Popov Gold Medal of RAS for his works in the field of radio-engineering and electronics. In 1979 Gulyaev was awarded the Europhysics Prize of European Physical Society. In 2006, he was awarded the prestigious IEEE Rayleigh Award for his work on physics and technology of SAW devices for information processing. In 1989-1991 Gulyaev was elected People’s Deputy of the USSR (Member of USSR Parliament) and the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Informatics of the Committee on Transport, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Gulyaev was the President of IEEE Russian Section from 1988-2016, and is an IEEE Life Fellow. He is the President of Russian and International Unions of Scientific and Engineering Associations (RUSEA and IUSEA), Chairman of A.S. Popov Russian Science and Technology Society for Radioengineering, Electronics and Communications. Gulyaev is the Chairman of the Russian URSI (International Union of Radio Science) Committee.